The 13 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Eggs

There is a certain reason as to why people call it the incredible, edible egg. This powerhouse food has been known as a healthy protein option that is flexible enough to be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch and even dinner, as well as a healthy snack. It doesn’t contain sugar and carbohydrate. It is relatively low in calories and its packs are quite a filling punch.

If eggs do not rank among your top 10 health food choices, then you have to keep on reading in order for you to know the benefits that you can actually obtain from it and you might change your mind after being informed.

Here are the 13 things that will happen to you if you consume eggs:

Eggs will give you a boost of energy

An entire piece of egg contains at least 6 grams of high quality protein and it only has around 70 calories. Pair two pieces of eggs with a half cup of oatmeal for a low-calorie meal, which is filling and balanced.

Eggs will improve the function of your liver

Each egg contains a healthy amount of choline, which is known as a micronutrient that assist in increasing your metabolism, as well as transporting both of vitamins and mineral and even enhances the function of the liver.
The cholesterol in eggs will not affect your blood cholesterol level

Remember the rumor that you should not eat the entire egg because they are too fatty? It is not actually true. According to Health Line, your liver already produces cholesterol. When you consume egg for a regular basis, your body will naturally begin to produce less of cholesterol.

Eggs elevates the good cholesterol or HDL

High-density lipoproteins, or usually known as the healthy cholesterol has the ability to lessen the risk of both heart disease and stroke. You can also increase the level of HDLs in your body by consuming egg on a daily basis.

Eggs can assist the eyeballs

In addition to protein, eggs also contain huge amount of lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants. Studies showed that these type of nutrients will actually assist you in accumulating your retina, as well as to lessen the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Eggs can aid you to eat less

Consuming eggs for breakfast has the ability to help you in eating less all throughout the day. The high amount of protein that can be found on eggs places it high on the list of satiating foods.

Eggs are gluten- and carb-free

If you cannot have gluten or you are on a special diabetic diet, then eggs are a great way for you in order to get protein. It should be remember, though, that some studies have shown that eggs might increase your risk of heart disease, particularly in people with type 2 diabetes.

Eggs can protect your bones

Eggs contain a lot of Vitamin D than ever before and this fact can actually assist to protect your body from suffering from osteoporosis.

Eggs might reduce your risk of cancer

Choline, just like what we have mentioned earlier, might also lessen your risk of having breast cancer for women, based on what Women’s Health has said. Remember that choline can be found in the egg yolk and not in its whites. Therefore, do not shy away from the entire eggs.

Consume eggs for better muscles

Weightlifters usually gulp protein shakes because they are informed that protein is really important for quicker muscle repair. Eat on some pieces of eggs after workout in order to make muscle building a lot easier for your body.

Eggs are pregnancy-friendly

If both of the smell and texture of eggs do not make you feel queasy while you are carrying a little one, keep eggs as part of your diet. Two whole eggs contain around 250 milligrams of choline. Doctors have suggested that pregnant and breastfeeding women should consume between 450 to 550 milligrams each day. Choline helps in brain development and it also assist in preventing birth issues.

Healthy hair and skin

Eggs contain Vitamin B-complex, which is known as biotin. This vitamin has the ability to aid your body in metabolizing both of fats and carbs for energy. As an added plus, biotin can also help in improving the hair, nails and even the skin.

Brown eggs and white eggs are basically the same

As a final note, there is no need to worry about whether you have to consume either brown or white eggs. As a matter of fact, brown eggs come from bigger chickens with red ears while white eggs, on the other hand come from smaller chickens with white ears. That is the only difference between them according to Dr. Jockers.